Grand River Medical
Dubuque, Iowa

This multi-tenant MOB is a 3 story, 45,000 square foot new building in Dubuque Iowa built by Grand River Medical Group. The building houses medical providers and office spaces as well as a first floor pharmacy.


The Challenge

Mechanically, the project consisted of two packaged roof top HVAC units, 25 electric reheat VAV boxes and miscellaneous other equipment. The Automated Logic WebCTRL system monitors and maintains the critical environment needed for the medical spaces as well as implementing the complex sequence provided by the design team.


The Process

The packaged RTU’s came with BACnet controls factory installed which allowed ECSI to seamlessly integrate them into the WebCTRL system. Automated Logic’s suite of software tools made this complicated task simple and easy. Both RTUs were ducted together and the sequence called for them to run in a lead/lag configuration. The WebCTRL system must gather data from the system, determine optimal operation for the lead unit and then control the lag unit to assist.


The Result

The intuitive WebCTRL front end allows the building owner to monitor and adjust the operation of this unique and complicated system. Duct work floor plans were provided as a troubleshooting and maintenance tool to allow service personnel to easily locate VAV boxes without needlessly disturbing ceiling tile. Using as-built mechanical plans, our in-house graphics department was able to easily and accurately build floor plan graphics showing locations for all above ceiling mechanical equipment. This saves an immense amount of time when trying to troubleshoot an issue.