Pekin Community High School - G Building HVAC Upgrade
Pekin, IL
For decades, the facility staff at PCHS had struggled with an aging 3-pipe heating and cooling system in the basement of "G Building". After months of surveys and planning, the school decided to demolish the obsolete system and install a Variable Air Volume (VAV) system. Tim Bonnette, Director of Facilities, developed an aggressive schedule to make sure the system would be ready for the following school year. Bonnette worked with the contractors to allow selective demolition and install during the school year to ensure the project would be a success.
The school's existing Automated Logic WebCTRL system was extended to include the new equipment in G Building. The equipment included: a new central heating plant for G Building, 4 new VAV air handling units, over 60 VAV terminals, and more. Custom control panels were installed for the heating plant and AHUs.